Benefits of strength training

Many athletes focus on specific exercises that can help them improve their performance on the bike or while running, for example, but they are not aware of strength training and its benefits.

Performing strength training will bring you long-term benefits for all aspects of your physical fitness. With these exercises dedicated to strength, you can improve your muscles, endurance, and joints.

Strength is one of the most important physical qualities for every human being. From there, other physical conditions can be improved for athletes, people who simply enjoy exercise, or ordinary people.

Proper development of strength helps us improve endurance, speed, and flexibility. If our muscles are stronger, they will also be more resistant and faster.

But this is not strictly necessary for people dedicated to high performance, or who doesn’t need strength to perform everyday tasks such as lifting heavy items at work without risking injury?

In the same way, strength is necessary to have better posture, a strong spine will make it easier to maintain an upright position. Likewise, if we fall and have good muscle mass, the likelihood of bone trauma will be less.

What strength exercises to perform

As we always recommend, we should all start with the basics in order to avoid future injuries. We must handle the appropriate weight and gradually increase as we progress in the process.

The exercises that every instructor recommends to start with are the ABCs: deadlift, military press, barbell row, bench press, and the number one, the fear of many, the squat.

These exercises and their multiple combinations will be essential for a good development of the musculature and should not be missing from our routines, except in case of injury, pain, or pathology that prevents us from doing them.

If the practice of any exercise causes pain, the recommendation is to stop immediately, to avoid future injuries. We must also take into account the advice of experts and not think that we know everything.

When it comes to routines, the idea is not to copy anyone. Each body has different peculiarities, and surely other people will not have the same training goal as you.

In adulthood, strength training becomes vital if we want to have a smooth old age, as old age brings with it a decrease in physical abilities and muscle mass, so we must take care of our reserves.

Types of strength

To speak more specialized, we could find according to experts three types of strengths: endurance, explosive, and maximum strength, all three without a doubt will bring us multiple benefits.

With endurance, people can dedicate themselves to a specific exercise for longer without major trauma to their performance and with more regular heart rate.

Explosive strength is related to the individual’s ability to develop the greatest amount of force for a limited time, for example, the start of a track cyclist from a static position.

Maximum strength is the maximum weight that the individual can lift by performing the repetition of a movement. In this case, we have squats or bench presses for chest muscles.

In conclusion, the proper management of good strength training will help us develop good muscle mass, protecting our bones, soft tissue, and intestines from common injuries.


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