How do I know which is the best eating plan for me?

To know what the best eating plan is, we must be sure what your goal is, the plan that suits your goal will be the most convenient.

And to determine it, as we have mentioned before, we are going to need the advice of an expert to help us take stock, since food has a great influence on our health.

How to identify which is the right eating plan?

The first thing I want to clarify is that the eating plan is not a diet, diets have general patterns for everyone, they are usually restrictive and require “holding on”.

The eating plan, on the other hand, does not lead you to endure hunger or restrictions that take you to the limit, causing you to quickly give up and return to normal conditions.

The eating plan is based on your goals, for example we will ask ourselves what you are looking for when changing your eating habits and how your physical activity routine is made up.

The best food plan for you is the one that is personalized, we cannot adapt a multiple plan because the conditions are different.

All people, in addition to different objectives, have different methodologies, food tastes, particular schedules, in short. The best plan is the one that suits your circumstances.

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What will we take into account in your food plan?

There are fundamental aspects to be taken into account to define a food plan, we consider your age, illnesses or pre-existing conditions, how much and what type of physical activity you do.

The lifestyle in every sense, considering tastes, habits and schedules. Similarly, it is very important to specify your food tastes, allergies and your life history in this regard.

The best eating plan

I firmly believe in habits and processes, for this reason the best eating plan is the one that leaves you with a new lifestyle.

Good habits are built over time, change will be identified in the long term and the best plan will be the one that lasts, it is not abandoned when the goal is reached.

For example, if you start an eating plan because you want to lose 10 kilos, when you lose them you will not leave the plan, on the contrary, good nutrition will become a lifestyle.

Likewise, the best eating plan is one that is balanced, does not reduce or omit food groups (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, dairy, vegetables, grains) and therefore must also be a complete plan, that is, a food contains for example three food groups.

The best eating plan is also sufficient, it must ensure that there are no nutritional deficiencies and it is very important that it be varied, also suitable for each person in terms of costs, for example.

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What features should not have a meal plan?

Just as we identify characteristics of the best plan, you must verify a series of details that your plan should not have, this is so that the food plan is durable.

It should not be restrictive, you should not feel hungry, it should not be focused only on one food group.

Remember! if it is not personalized, it does not work, if it does not have follow-up it is not the best plan.

It will also not be the best plan when they make short-term promises, or where they only tell you that this is enough and that you do not need exercise.

Let’s conclude!

The best eating plan for you is the one guided by a professional, the same one who will monitor the process, which you can create as a life habit, which allows you to achieve your goals and generates well-being.


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