How to exercise if I don’t have time?

We already know that exercising is essential but there is a frequently asked question and that is how to exercise if I don’t have time.

Today I want to give you some ideas that will help you in the purpose of exercising even without time available, with a little creativity and reviewing your priorities.

What can I do if I don’t have time?

I would dare to ask if you don’t have time or if, on the contrary, you prioritize other things, let’s see, how much time do you spend in front of the television? Could it be that you can shorten it and dedicate a few minutes to exercise?

Could it be that you can wake up 15 or 30 minutes earlier? Or maybe, can you walk from one place to another avoiding public transport?

After this reflection and answering honestly, let’s see some advice I have for you:

Tips from JP Osorio FIT to exercise if your time is limited.

  1. Check your daily agenda and define if any of the trips you make in public or private transport can be done on foot, in fact you can check if some days of the week your transport is the bicycle.
  1. If somewhere you have to go up the elevator, but you could do it through the stairs, choose this option as it is a good way to exercise even when you do not have time, this physical effort helps your muscles, circulation and bones. plus add tons of steps to your 10,000 daily goal.
  1. Take active breaks such as stretching in your workplace, do not turn it into a landscape or forget it, setting aside 15 minutes a day in your routine to stretch your body is a good way to exercise without time.
  1. The best advice I can give you is that of that nightly hour that you dedicate to television, you dedicate it to walking, running or jogging. According to your physical capacity, this will not only activate you but will allow  a new routine where you will sleep better and feel better.
  1. You can also wake up earlier, you can start half an hour earlier so that at home you can do a routine that fits your time.

I can help you!

The previous advice that I just gave you is to start exercising, so that you can measure your willingness and commitment to exercise, but the ideal is to move forward and have a more professional activity.

This professional activity will help you meet goals and you will see your health at an optimum level. When you discover that you can dedicate time, you will enjoy it and start making it a priority.

The time you invest in exercise will be very well spent, it will never be an expense, so I encourage you to start.

Get in touch with me and let’s review your schedule, your priorities,  and define which one can be adjusted so that you can organize yourself and join a training program where you will find permanent motivation despite not having time.

We will choose activities that you like and we will challenge you so that instead of choosing other types of activities, you can lean towards exercise you enoy most.

Cheer up!


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